Welcome! Thank you for purchasing the ClickArt Handwritten Fonts! In our Summer 1995 catalog, the font displayed as "Cool" was actually a font called "Tech". The font "Cool" is included on the Handwritten Fonts CD, but does not resemble the sample in the catalog. "Tech" is included in the 2500 ClickArt Fonts CD. Although "Tech" is not a handwriting font, we have decided to include "Tech" as a bonus in case you have made your purchasing decision based on seeing "Tech" in our catalog. We hope that you enjoy using both "Cool" and "Tech"! This product comes with electronic documentation, which has been designed to assist you in using ClickArt. Please follow the instructions below so that you may access the electronic documentation correctly: Instructions: 1. Using the File Manager, select your ClickArt CD 2. Locate the file ACROREAD.EXE and double click on the file icon. 3. Follow the instructions given on the screen. The Adobe Acrobat Installer will also install a help file, which you can use to learn how to navigate through Acrobat documents. You are now ready to use your ClickArt! We sincerely hope the electronic document feature will enhance your enjoyment of this product. If you are unable to use Adobe Acrobat, please refer to the printed documentation that is provided for you inside your ClickArt package. ClickArt Development Team T/Maker Company ClickArt License Agreement ©1984-1995 T/Maker Company. All Rights Reserved. United States copyright law and international copyright treaties protect these ClickArt images and fonts ("The Images and Fonts"). T/Maker Company ("T/Maker") depended on the availability of this protection when it decided to spend the time and money required to produce The Images and Fonts. Nevertheless, T/Maker realizes that you have licensed this copy of The Images and Fonts so that you could copy The Images and Fonts in their present or a modified form and incorporate them into another work. T/Maker therefore gives you permission to copy and modify The Images and Fonts for your own internal use. The Images and Fonts may not be distributed as part of any software product or as part of an electronic document or collection of documents without written permission from T/Maker. T/Maker, however, gives you permission to incorporate and distribute duplicate or modified Images and Fonts as an incidental part of any non-electronic product or collection of products which are distributed commercially (i.e., distributed for profit, such as a newsletter); provided the use or distribution of any of The Images and Fonts does not constitute a substantial portion of the value of the goods distributed commercially. For example, you may not, without written permission from T/Maker, use an Image as an art image on a T-shirt or poster manufactured for resale. You may not make any copies of any portion of The Images and Fonts for distribution or resale. Except as specifically stated above, you may not copy, modify, or distribute The Images and Fonts. T/Maker Company grants you this license for a single CPU (central processing unit) only. This software may not be loaded onto a Local Area Network unless a license has been purchased for each CPU on the Network. Please call or write T/Maker for more details regarding 5 or 10 Packs, Network Licenses, or Site Licenses. T/Maker Sales may be reached at 415/962-0195, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., Pacific Time. Please call or write T/Maker if you wish to obtain a license to distribute duplicate or modified Images and Fonts other than expressly permitted under this license, or if you have any questions concerning your rights. LIMITED WARRANTY T/Maker warrants to you, the original Licensee, that The Images and Fonts are substantially in conformance with the visual index/manual for a period of 90 days from the date of purchase. If a disk is defective, T/Maker Company will replace the disk at no charge to you, if you return the disk to T/Maker at the address below with proof of purchase within 90 days after you purchased it. Your sole and exclusive remedy, and T/Maker’s sole and exclusive liability, will be either replacement of the disk or a refund of the purchase price in accordance with this limited warranty. THE ABOVE WARRANTY IS THE ONLY WARRANTY OR REPRESENTATION OF ANY KIND WITH RESPECT TO THE IMAGES AND FONTS MADE BY T/MAKER OR ANYONE ELSE INVOLVED IN THE CREATION, PRODUCTION, DELIVERY, OR LICENSING OF THE IMAGES AND FONTS. FURTHERMORE, ANY IMPLIED WARRANTIES WITH RESPECT TO THE IMAGES AND FONTS OR DISKS, INCLUDING IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, AND NONINFRINGEMENT OF THIRD PARTY RIGHTS, ARE SPECIFICALLY DISCLAIMED. NEITHER T/MAKER NOR ANYONE ELSE INVOLVED IN THE CREATION, PRODUCTION, DELIVERY, OR LICENSING OF THE IMAGES AND FONTS MAKES ANY WARRANTY OR REPRESENTATION OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, WITH RESPECT TO THE IMAGES AND FONTS OR THEIR QUALITY, RELIABILITY, OR PERFORMANCE, OR THEIR MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR ANY PARTICULAR PURPOSES. THE IMAGES AND FONTS ARE LICENSED "AS IS." YOU ASSUME THE ENTIRE RISK AS TO THE QUALITY, RELIABILITY, AND PERFORMANCE OF THE IMAGES AND FONTS. IF THE IMAGES AND FONTS PROVE DEFECTIVE, YOU, AND NOT T/MAKER OR ANYONE ELSE INVOLVED IN THE CREATION, PRODUCTION, DELIVERY, OR LICENSING OF THE IMAGES AND FONTS, MUST ASSUME THE ENTIRE COST OF ALL NECESSARY CORRECTIONS. DISCLAIMER OF DAMAGES IN NO EVENT WILL T/MAKER OR ANYONE ELSE INVOLVED IN THE CREATION, PRODUCTION, DELIVERY, OR LICENSING OF THE IMAGES AND FONTS BE LIABLE TO YOU FOR ANY CONSEQUENTIAL, SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL, DIRECT, OR INDIRECT DAMAGES OF ANY KIND ARISING OUT OF THE USE OF THE IMAGES AND FONTS OR ANY DEFECT IN THE IMAGES AND FONTS, EVEN IF T/MAKER OR ANYONE ELSE INVOLVED IN THE CREATION, PRODUCTION, DELIVERY, OR LICENSING OF THE IMAGES AND FONTS HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. This notice will be construed, interpreted, and governed by the laws of the state of California as applied to transactions taking place entirely within California between California residents. Should you have any questions concerning this Agreement, please contact in writing T/Maker Company, 1390 Villa Street, Mountain View, CA 94041, USA, 415/962-0195, Fax: 415/962-0201. ClickArt and T/Maker are registered trademarks of T/Maker Company.